2018-2019 移動與遷徙 Moving & Migration



《移動與遷徙–從地方到他方的故事》將於2018 - 2019年間計透過一系列的交流與展演計畫,以《流浪的種子》、《移動與遷徙-國際當代藝術交流展》兩個不同的行動及展覽策略,與相鄰的國家討論區域間移動與遷徙的過程及相互的影響,從時間、空間、地理、植物、生活方式、文化及科技的任何一個角度揭露我們不熟悉,甚至不曾看見、聽見的景象、聲音、故事,也同時反應各區域在現今社會及環境所面對的問題。探究藝術家又是如何看待歷史、並從自己所屬的社會與族群中發現新的內容及意義。

Migration has shaped human history. Why do people choose to migrate, and what drives them? It might be to escape natural disasters, climate change, war, or to seek a better life by finding a more suitable living environment. Human movement and migration create new opportunities for survival, though sometimes they may end in failure. From walking on foot to using animals for riding and transport, and inventing various vehicles like cars, ships, and airplanes, humans have explored different means of travel. In today's internet age, people can easily create efficient mobility opportunities using communication apps on their phones, or even explore virtual worlds without physically moving.

"Taiwan" is centrally located in the East Asian island chain, north of Korea and Japan, south of the Philippines, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries. This island, surrounded by the sea, has unique and complex cultural and natural landscapes. The earliest known inhabitants, the Austronesian indigenous peoples, utilized hunting, fishing, farming, weaving, and other survival techniques to coexist with nature on this land, and they connected with other islands using navigation skills. Following them, the Minnan and Hakka ethnic groups from the southeastern coast of China gradually migrated to Taiwan. Later, between 1945-1949, immigrants followed the Nationalist government to Taiwan. In recent years, foreign spouses and migrant workers from Southeast Asian countries have further enriched Taiwan's diverse cultural landscape.

Historically, the narrative was written from the perspective of political power, recording everything from a top-down view. Today, through the internet and new technologies, the streaming and collaborative writing of information have become new ways of communication. This allows us to revisit and contrast overlooked and obscure paths from completely different angles. Modern historiography is no longer a one-way dissemination of data.

"Moving And Migration - Stories From A Place To Other" through a series of exchange and exhibition projects between 2018 and 2019, uses two different actions and exhibition strategies: "Wandering Seeds" and "Moving And Migration - International Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition." These initiatives discuss the processes and mutual influences of mobility and migration with neighboring countries, revealing unfamiliar, unseen, and unheard sights, sounds, and stories from any angle—time, space, geography, plants, lifestyles, culture, and technology. They also reflect the current issues faced by various regions in today's society and environment. The project explores how artists view history and discover new content and meanings within their societies and ethnic groups.