流浪的種子 Wandering Seeds

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Human migration is like plant seeds, drifting with the wind, following the ocean currents, or even clinging to animals to move to other places. A few lucky ones, through their efforts, finally find a land where they can take root. The various ethnic groups that came to Taiwan from all directions experienced long journeys after leaving their homelands. Besides the essential tools for survival, they also brought along the food and plant seeds from their hometowns to continue growing on the new land. Whether they are indigenous peoples, Han Chinese, or migrant workers and new immigrants from countries like Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia, they always miss the taste of their hometown food while adapting to the new environment. Seeds provide the possibility of being carried and regrown during migration. Furthermore, the introduction of foreign species has also reshaped the landscape of the migration destinations.

In the different stages of the 2018-2019 project "Moving And Migration – Stories From A Place To Other" the theme "Wandering Seeds" gave domestic and international artists the opportunity to stay in Taitung and establish connections with the local community. This project adopts an organic, experimental, and interdisciplinary approach to engage in dialogue with the museum's archives and collections. We are honored to collaborate with the museum's curator, Mr. Zhang Zhishan, and his team, who have researched the phylogeography of the paper mulberry and its relationship across the Pacific. They discuss the prehistoric migration and culture of the Austronesian peoples through the use and DNA of paper mulberry spread across Taiwan and the Pacific islands. Mr. Zhang and his team have worked with us to explore the applications, migration history, and cultural significance of bark cloth, arranging the museum's precious collections to resonate with the artists' creations.
