萬縷千絲 Thousands of Threads 

展覽簡介 Overview




"Fiber" is an ancient and contemporary craft and creative method, encompassing the making of threads to the weaving of fabrics. Countless techniques and technologies are used, inheriting rich cultural history and demonstrating the wisdom of different periods in human application of materials. The creation of works through the interweaving and fusion of various media not only incorporates material technology into life aesthetics but also transforms personal and family stories into symbolic and artistic works.

This exhibition, themed "Thousands of Threads", serves as the final chapter of the 2023-24 curatorial project "Crossing Ecotones". It explores the real-life settings, cultural origins, and natural ecology encountered in the creative process through the ingenuity of the artists.

"Crossing EcotonesThousands of Threads" not only showcases the beauty and form of materials but also aims to connect and dialogue the spirit of traditional crafts and contemporary art. Through diverse spatial installation artworks, it tells how artists from Indonesia, Korea, and various regions of Taiwan navigate between material research, technical inheritance, personal emotions, and cultural codes, transforming their works into poetic composites. Their thoughts and tactile perceptions traverse time and space within a multilingual cultural context, leading us to observe the present while reflecting on the process of social evolution.

精選作品 Artworks

影片 Video